List of available Azure Policies in Excel

If you haven’t used Azure Policies and Azure Blueprints, they are a great way to limit and report on the types of resources that can be created within Azure. Policies allow you to control the sizes of VMs available for creation to reduce cost, restrict users from creating types of resources, and enforce security policies like ensure resources are deployed on a VNET and restricted to that virtual network endpoint. Blueprints allow you to create repeatable policy sets across subscriptions.

Recently I needed a list of all available Azure Policies so I could review with one of my clients in an easily digestable format. Excel is perfect because I can filter, sort, and highlight the policies we want to implement in phases. At the time of this writing there are over 1300 built-in policies to choose from. I was able to easily use the Azure CLI from PowerShell to export the list of policies to CSV using the commands below.

$result = az policy definition list --output json --query "[].{category:metadata.category,policyType:policyType,type:type,displayName:displayName,description:description}" | ConvertFrom-Json
$result | export-csv -Path "available_policies.csv" -NoTypeInformation

The result is an Excel file (attached). Enjoy!

Azure Policy list.xlsx – 11/10/2020